Aims and Scope

Foreign Languages and Culture strives to build an interdisciplinary forum for scholars engaged in the study of foreign languages, literatures, and cultures in China. The language of exchange will be Chinese.

FLC aspires to be a leading forum for the introduction and critical examination of foreign literary and cultural traditions, and aims to be a space for dialogue among the scholars and students of various disciplines. FLC promotes diverse methodological approaches and welcomes innovative critical experiments and debates that lead to disciplinary advances that contribute to maintaining and enhancing the excellence of foreign language research and education.

FLC seeks to be a venue for the expansion of scholarly networks by publishing original research papers, issues devoted to special topics, or review papers; reviewers are encouraged to not only report on the contribution of the reviewed documents but also to engage in a critical dialogue with them. FLC will also publish occasional reports to comment on the state of the discipline of foreign language and literature research and education in China.

FLC addresses the study of literature in the global context, embraces a comparative and interdisciplinary outlook, and welcomes contributions with a cross-cultural, trans-national, and trans-regional perspective on the literatures and cultures of diverse contexts and societies. Chinese and international researchers are given the opportunity to showcase and share their work and views about foreign language scholarship with the Chinese scholarly community.

FLC welcomes contributions on all aspects of foreign language research and education: linguistics; the histories and theories of foreign literatures; literary criticism; regional and national cultures and comparative literature; foreign language teaching and assessment from a cultural perspective; translation theory and practice. Committed to advancing interdisciplinary research, FLC is also open to submissions on literature and the other arts as well as the relations of literature to other media and disciplinary areas, e.g. theater, cinema, and visual arts.

Readers and subscribers are exposed to a range of contemporary scholarship and intellectual debates, critical overviews, and bibliographic explorations dedicated to the study of foreign languages and cultures in China.

All Rights Reserved. Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Hunan Normal University.