Does FLC charge any submission/publication fees?
No. FLC does not charge any fees for the submission, review of publication of papers. This, however, is subject to change and proper notification be given in advance.
How can I access the papers published in JFLC?
FLC is currently an open-access journal and the papers in each issue are accessible to CNKI subscribers. All papers are also available on our website.
I am a librarian. How can I subscribe to JFLC for our library?
Please send us an email and we will arrange for a subscription.
How long does it take for my paper to be published?
This depends largely on how long it will take our reviewers to send us their reports. Nevertheless, at FLC we do our best to send authors the result of the peer-review within three months from submission date.
My paper has been rejected. Can I re-submit the paper?
If a paper is rejected, that version will no longer be considered at FLC. However, if a new version addresses the concerns raised by editor(s) and/or expert reviewers, it may be re-submitted as a new paper. If a paper is submitted twice and not accepted for publication, it will no longer be considered for publication.
I am confident about the quality of my work, but my paper has been rejected. Why?
At FLC we are committed to scholarly standards. All papers are doubly and anonymously peer-reviewed. If the reviewers and/or editors are not convinced that a paper meets the required standards or contributes to FLC’s aims, it will not accepted for publication. Other forums, however, may be more suitable.
Do you review books?
Yes, we review books. In case you would like to have your work to be reviewed at FLC, please write to us. Our review editors will arrange for a review.
I have an idea for a “special issue” on a particular subject. How can I discuss that?
We welcome “special issue” ideas. For this purpose, email us the bio-note(s) of guest-editor(s) along with a 1000-word proposal, and include a tentative list of contributors (including tentative titles would be helpful). After an in-house review of the proposal, we will be in touch with a report to take things further.
I am not affiliated with a university or a higher education institute. Can I submit my work?
Of course. FLC is committed to genuine scholarly work, and institutional affiliation is not essential to that.