

Submissions Guidelines
Author:    Time:2021-01-19    Click:

Submissions will be in Chinese, between 7,000 and 12,000 characters.

  •     The submission of a paper implies that the author has read FLC's Publication Ethics;

  •     For FLC style-sheet, please refer to The MLA Style-Sheet, 8th edition;

  •     Include an abstract of 150-250 characters and 3-5 keywords;

  •     Add a professional bio and a postal address to the paper;

  •     Include a list of references under “Works Cited” in English;

  •     FLC does not charge any publication fees;

  •     FLC will not be held legally responsible for any claims for compensation.

All papers shall be submitted through the CNKI submission system: http://wywh.cbpt.cnki.net/wkg/WebPublication/index.aspx?mid=wywh

An accumulative guideline will be gradually be posted here and will include hints for translation and transliteration schemes, as well as referencing and citing sources in diverse languages.

All Rights Reserved. Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Hunan Normal University.