no. 3

  • Comparing “West” and “Rest”: Beyond Eurocentrism?

    Author:Theo D'haen

    Abstract: From different perspectives, Shu-mei Shih, Rey Chow, and Revathi Krishnaswamy have accused Comparative Literature of being inherently Eurocentric in that the comparative study of non-European/Western literatures continues being steered by European/Western paradigms. In what follows I briefly outline their respective positions...

    Column:Comparative Literature Studies   111-121   Details

  • A Study on the English Translation of Mao Zedong's Poems by Willis Barnstone

    Author:Qikun Hou

    Abstract: The English translation and transmission of Mao Zedong’s poems has allowed the world to better understand Mao Zedong and his identity as a poet, which has a positive effect on the global dissemination of traditional Chinese culture, and has become an important part of the strategy of Chinese culture “going out.” Based on the analysis of Mao Zedong’s poems translated by Willis Barnstone, this article focuses on the translator’s thoughts the strategies and methods of poetry translation, and tries to analyze his three translation principles which can be concluded as follows word-for-word translation, literal translation with equivalence and the specific and diverse translation strategies for readers of different foreign language levels and experiences.

    Column:Translation Studies   122-130   Details

  • A Cognitive Study on the Subjectivity Hierarchy of Hedging in English News Discourse

    Author:Xingang Qi, Yunhua Deng

    Abstract: Hedging serves special pragmatic functions in English news discourse. However, current research has failed to reveal the interrelationships of the pragmatic motivations of hedging. From the standpoint of subjectivity, this paper constructs a continuum of hedging with respect to the three dimensi...

    Column:Linguistic Studies   131-143   Details

  • A Corpus-based Comparative Cultural Discourse Study of the International Communication of Intangible Cultural Heritage between China Daily and News on the Web Corpus

    Author:Yan Wang, Huan Ren

    Abstract: In the context of telling China’s stories to the world, English news reports on intangible cultural heritage play an important role in the dissemination and promotion of traditional Chinese culture in the international community. This study conducts a corpus-based discourse analysis of the news reports on this topic collected from China Daily and News on the Web Corpus, and compares the lexical features, news themes, communicative agents and communication strategies of the Chinese and foreign media discourse from the perspective of Cultural Discourse Studies. The socio-cultural implications of the study may provide insight into the international communication of cultural heritage.

    Column:Linguistic Studies   144-156   Details

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