- Archives
no. 2
- From Self-deception to Self-awareness Awakening: A Spatial Interpretation of Julian Barnes' The Sense of an Ending
Author:Taohua Wang, Daoshu Zhang
Abstract: The Sense of an Ending reflects the existential predicament of individuals in postmodern context. Tony’s identity construction has attracted wide attention from critics. Henri Lefebvre’s “theory of spatial triad” and Michel Foucault’s “theory of power relations” offer a cogent explanation for Tony’s identity construction. Within the oppressive “representational space” of “home” and “school,” Tony constructs an idealized “victim” persona through self-deception and unreliable memory. His journey to the United States, a kind of “spatial practice”, prompts ...
Column:Literature and Culture Studies 001-012 Details
- The Politics of Imagination: Nationalism in The Convention of Cintra
Author:Hao Wu
Abstract: William Wordsworth's political pamphlet The Convention of Cintra expresses such political ideas as national self-determination, independence and liberty. They are conveyed through the poetic vehicle of imagination proposed by the poet in his earlier years. In the 1802 “Preface to Lyrical Ballads,” Wordsworth...
Column:Literature and Culture Studies 013-025 Details
- A Probe into Multi-dimentional Interpretations and English Translations of "Intricate Syntax" in Classical Chinese Poetry
Author:Pingyun Qian
Abstract: The “intricate syntax” in classical Chinese poetry, with its grammatical components intertwined with each other, inspires semantic vagueness and ambiguity. The openness to various interpretations of this special pattern, which forms a register brimming with flexibility and tension, gives rise to a broader poetic and aesthetic vision, and as a result, evokes readers’ sympathy and sense of participation. While bringing into full play the misty and veiled beauty unique to ancient Chinese poetry, however, the intricate syntax poses a huge challenge to its English ...
Column:Translation Studies 026-038 Details
- Research on Chinese Translation of Arabic Place Names Based on Chinese National Standards: A Case Study of Syrian Place Name Translations
Author:Hebin Ma
Abstract: Based on the 30,000 Syrian place names by the author according to Transformation Guidelines of Geographical Names from Foreign Languages into Chinese - Arabic, this article that the translation and writing of place names in foreign languages, especially Arabic, should be based on Chinese rules for the translation and writing of place names, accurately reflect the characteristics of place names in combination with the characteristics of Arabic language, and determine the Chinese recognition paradigm of place names so as to effectively display the regional ...
Column:Translation Studies 039-049 Details
- A Study on the Identification Style and the English Translation of China’s Diplomatic Discourse Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC
Author:Lin Deng
Abstract: Identification plays a crucial role in the construction of China’s diplomatic discourse. Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, China’s diplomatic discourse rooted in traditional Chinese culture proposes the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind as the cornerstone for identification, reflecting the mutual aspirations and moral value within the international community. Additionally, the rhetorical strategy of identification by content and style is utilized to align the audiences with the speakers’ viewpoint. These strategies include identification by sympathy showing emotion, aspiration and rationality, identification by antithesis accentuating rhetorical situation, identification ...
Column:Translation Studies 050-061 Details
- A Study on Category Shift in Chinese-English Translation of Military Cultural Vocabulary with Chinese Characteristics
Author:Xiaobo Liang, Haonan Li
Abstract: Guided by the theory of category shift, this study takes “China’s National Defense in the New Era” and other CNDWPs as the corpus source, and takes the military cultural vocabularies with Chinese characteristics therein as the main object of study, aiming at exploring in depth the characteristics of the military cultural vocabularies and the categories and features of their category shift in the process of Chinese-English translation. It is found that in the process of Chinese-English translation of military cultural vocabulary with Chinese characteristics, lexical category shift, structural category shift, semantic category shift, unit category shift, conceptual category shift, etc. are commonly adopted strategies, ...
Column:Research on National Defense Language Competence 062-073 Details
- The Construction of China's International Peacekeeping Discourse System
Author:Chaowei Pang, Rong Xiao, Rui Yan
Abstract: China is an important supporter of and participant in UN peacekeeping operations, but in the current peacekeeping affairs, China has not gained the corresponding discourse power, and there is a mismatch between its contribution and its reputation. This paper, drawing on Fairclough’s three dimensional conce...
Column:Research on National Defense Language Competence 074-086 Details
- Conceptualization and Its Influence on Syntax: Illustrated by the Influence of Conceptualization on the Generation and Expansion of the Sentence of Eating and Drinking in English
Author:Yuxiang Qin, Dan Zhao
Abstract: Conceptualization is the cognitive process in which categorical features are projected to the conceptual domain and concepts are formed. It determines the prototype concept and form of a syntactic unit by its initial conceptualization process and the non-prototype concept and form of a syntactic unit by its re-conceptualization process. The sentence of eating and drinking in English is a sentence category expressing the concept of eating and drinking, and is the formal representation of the concept of eating and drinking in English. The concept of eating and drinking results from the conceptualization of the action of eating and drinking. Its prototype results from the conceptualization of the physical
Column:Linguistic Studies 087-100 Details
- Domestic Research Status and Development Trend of English Borrowings from Chinese Based on CiteSpace
Author:Yunhua Deng, Kaifang Deng
Abstract: This paper comprehensively summarizes the research status and hotspots of English borrowings from Chinese based on CiteSpace knowledge graph network, and visualizes the cooperations between authors and institutions respectively, frontier trends of relevant research, so that peopl...
Column:Linguistic Studies 101-113 Details
- A Diachronic Framing Approach to News Discourses of Clean Energy in China
Author:Yi Peng, Min Zhou
Abstract: Recent studies have explored energy discourses through the lens of cognitive framing. However, analyses of news discourses, particularly from a diachronic perspective, remain limited. Utilizing conceptual metaphor theory and framing theory, we propose a primary news framing model and a diachronic model, bu...
Column:Linguistic Studies 114-127 Details