no. 2

  • Cries in the Wilderness: African-American Poetry of the 1930s

    Author:Jon Woodson

    Abstract: The African-American poetry of the 1930s represents a far different picture than has been chronicled. The tremendous energy that has gone into the construction of what is now institutionalized as the Harlem Renaissance has cast a deep shadow over the decade of the thirties—in effect subsuming the period of the Great ...

    Column:African American Literature Studies   001-017   Details

  • A Comprehensive Interpretation of the 20th Century African American Literature and Culture: An Interview with Professor Jerry W. Ward, Jr.

    Author:Yukuo Wang

    Abstract: This interview with Professor Jerry Ward, a respected scholar of African American literature and culture, concerns issues of race, gender, and the so-called “post-racial.” The conversation presents Professor Ward’s ideas about developments and changes in African American fiction, drama, poetry, and literary criticism. It briefly outlines his views on the study of the 20th century African American literature and culture, and a vision of the future.

    Column:African American Literature Studies   018-027   Details

  • On the Contradictory Unity of Mencken's Radical Thoughts

    Author:Chenghui Wang

    Abstract: In his works, H. L. Mencken expresses his ideas concerning such issues as education, media, democracy, politics, the President, religion, the South, Negroes, Jews, women, subjecting him to controversy both in his lifetime and after his death. People tend to pay attention to Mencken’s explicit controversial ideas while ig...

    Column:20th-Century American Literary Thoughts   038-046   Details

  • On Irving Babbitt's Literary Thoughts

    Author:Bai Liu

    Abstract: Irving Babbitt is the founder of the American New Humanism Movement in the early 20th century. He advocated the spirit of criticism and positivism, and provided a counterpoint to Romantic literature since the Western Renaissance. He promoted classical literature, and emphasized the combination of rationality and imagination, and morality an...

    Column:20th-Century American Literary Thoughts   047-055   Details

  • Beijing: A Marginalized One-Dimensional Utopia in And the Bride Wore Red

    Author:Yujuan Shen

    Abstract: This essay undertakes a detailed textual analysis of And the Bride Wore Red by Lucy Gordon, a romance writer from Great Britain, to interpret the image of Beijing. At the narrative level of this Western romance story, this city is delineated from three perspectives: Beijing as a timeless city, as a utopia f...

    Column:Culture Studies   056-063   Details

  • Stylistic Hybridity and Postmodern Truth Writing in Running in the Family

    Author:Kun Liu

    Abstract: In Running in the Family, Michael Ondaatje tries to construct a narrative of family biography via a stylistic hybridity of travelogue, memoir, and fiction. The dialogue between memoir, the second layer of the text, and travelogue, the first layer of the text, reveals the colonial history of Sri Lanka and t...

    Column:Culture Studies   064-073   Details

  • Jewish Stigma and Identity Reconstruction: On Henry Roth's Mercy of a Rude Stream

    Author:Huaihai Zhang

    Abstract: Henry Roth explores in Mercy of a Rude Stream, an autobiographical novel, the stigma and identity crisis of Jews in a heterogeneous culture. By focusing on how Jewish people are stigmatized and their de-stigmatizing efforts, Roth constructs the identity paradigm of the stigmatized and illustrates ...

    Column:Culture Studies   074-082   Details

  • The Translation-Centered Approach to a Summary of Translation Theories: A Review of Theories of Translation

    Author:Ziman Han

    Abstract: Summary books are now the main resources which translation scholars resort to when learning about translation theories. Such books may be written in many different ways. Theories of Translation, written in a “translation-centered” way, presents existing translation theories from three perspectives: the translated text, the translation process, and The Translator, and exemplifies a new way of translation theory summary writing.

    Column:Translation Studies   083-092   Details

  • Reader Awareness as Viewed from the Writing and Translation of The Gay Genius: The Life and Times of Su Tungpo

    Author:Xuemei Luan, Jianhua Bian

    Abstract: This essay makes a comparative study of the English work The Gay Genius: The Life and Times of Su Tungpo written by Lin Yutang and its two Chinese versions by two Taiwanese scholars, Zhang Zhenyu and Song Biyuny. The topics addressed include such issues as the translation of Chinese cultural customs and practices, ways of narration, and uses of paratexts in an attempt to find out how reader awareness affects the writer in the course of his writing, and how it is reflected in the two Chinese versions. The goal is to provide insight into how Chinese literature is translated for the outside world.

    Column:Translation Studies   093-103   Details

  • Thick Translation in C. Allen's English Translation of Shijing

    Author:Quangong Feng, Mengyue Peng

    Abstract: Thick translation is an effective approach to disseminate Chinese culture and translate Chinese classics. However, the thickness in Clement Allen’s translation of Shijing has been neglected by Chinese academia. His translation is produced on the basis of previous works and by various means of thick translation such...

    Column:Translation Studies   104-114   Details

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