Title: The Building of the Chinese-English Parallel Corpus of Zhuangzi: Methods and Significance
Abstract: Zhuangzi, one of the most important Taoism classics, is rich in philosophical thoughts and magnificent literary imagery. It has been translated into English many times since the end of 19th century and there are more than 30 full and excerpted versions, which not only helps to promote the spread of Taoism, but also has had a significant impact on western philosophy and literature, enhancing the cultural exchanges between China and other countries. In the context of Chinese culture “Going Global”, it is of great historical and practical significance to build a Chinese-English parallel corpus of Zhuangzi, with the help of which relevant research will be more objective and scientific. The paper discusses the methods and significance of building such a bilingual corpus in the hope of providing a new research paradigm and a new perspective for the translation and transmission of Chinese classical books, as well as helping to promote the digitalization and preservation of their translations.
Keywords: Zhuangzi, parallel corpus, methods, significance
Author: Weihong Zhang, Associate Professor, College of Foreign Languages, Zhengzhou Business University, Gongyi, Henan, China.