no. 1

A Semiotic Study of Roland Barthes's Literary Thought and its Development
Author:Wenhui Si    Time:2021-04-12    Click:

Title: A Semiotic Study of Roland Barthes’s Literary Thought and its Development

Abstract: This paper studies the literary thought of Roland Barthes from the semiotic perspective and finds it mainly consists of his views about “writing” “narration” “text” and “author” and changes from the earlier structuralist studies to the later post-structuralism ones. Through the in-depth study of the academic relationships between his literary thought and his semiotic studies, this paper aims to reveal the semiotic characteristics of Barthes’s literary thought and discover its path of development.

Keywords: Barthes, literary thought, development path, semiotics

Author: Wenhui Si, Associate Professor, College of Foreign Languages, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.

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