Title: Construct Measurement of Subjectivity Operation Deficiency in Student Interpreters
Abstract: An investigation of 300 student interpreters from four universities was conducted to measure and verify the construction and operation mechanism of subjectivity operation deficiency during the interpreting process by using Structural Equation Modeling AMOS 21. The findings are as follows. Firstly, subjectivity operation deficiency is represented by three latent variables, namely lack of role interaction, lack of emotion communication and lack of intention integration (shortened as ROL, EMO and INT respectively). Secondly, ROL, EMO, and INT have positive effects on subjectivity operation deficiency, while INT has a bigger impact on subjectivity operation deficiency than EMO and ROL. Thirdly, subjectivity operation deficiency has moderate negative correlation to interpreting achievement.
Keywords: subjectivity, operation deficiency, construct, latent variables, AMOS
Author: Liwen Chen, Professor, College of Foreign Languages, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.