no. 2

The Innovative Spirit of Modern Poetry: Developing Human Intellectual and Emotional Capacities
Author:Zhimin Li    Time:2021-09-22    Click:

Title: The Innovative Spirit of Modern Poetry: Developing Human Intellectual and Emotional Capacities

Abstract: Modern poets have applied challenge writing to increase the readers' capacity for understanding and to promote the growth of their intellectual and emotional capabilities. It has a selective readership as opposed to the traditional pattern of parallel writing. A literary work of artistic merit can help readers develop a reliable thought-link that is better than existing ones. Ezra Pound detected and described this kind of sudden growth in both intellectual and emotional terms. In fact, the ultimate goal of modern poetry and poetics is to broaden the horizons and promote the development of the human being's mental capabilities to an even higher level.

Keywords: modern poetry, intellectual capability, emotional capability, aesthetics, poetics, poetry writing

Author: Zhimin Li, Professor, School of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China.

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