Title: A Cross-Linguistic Study of Foot Metaphor Clusters: A Double Dimensional Perspective of Embodied Cognition and Cultural Entailments
Abstract: Wang Yin’s proposition of Embodied-Cognitive Linguistics is a localization architecture on the basis of embodied philosophy and Cognitive Linguistics, its kernel principle being “embodied cognition.” With the profile of embodied-cognitive humanism in this field, this paper is an attempt at a cross-linguistic study concerning foot metaphors based upon the conceptual nature of metaphor and theoretical construction of contemporary metaphorology. A large abundance of mapping types as well as image categories of foot metaphors have been concluded and organised. The similarity and differences between foot metaphors in Chinese and English are also analyzed in depth through with a dual-dimensional theoretical paradigm: embodied cognition from Embodied-Cognitive Linguistics in conjunction with cultural entailments within the scope of contemporary metaphorology. Taken together, the theoretical dimensions can provide a compelling account of evidence for the metaphorical mechanism of this specific language usage.
Keywords: metaphor, Embodied-Cognitive Linguistics, foot metaphors, embodied cognition, cultural entailment
Author: Yi Sun, Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China; Cihang Cui, Graduate School, Xi’an International Studies University, Xi’an, Shanxi, China.
DOI: 10.19967/j.cnki.flc.2021.04.014