no. 4

The Other's Resistance to the British Empire's Spatial Politics in Barker's The Ghost Road
Author:Tiantian Huo,Shidan Chen    Time:2022-01-17    Click:

Title: The Other’s Resistance to the British Empire’s Spatial Politics in Barker’s The Ghost Road

Abstract: The British postmodern writer Pat Barker’s The Ghost Road juxtaposes colonial space, war space, and the war hospital, presenting a panorama of the British Empire’s spatial politics, in which the Empire constructs the hierarchical spatial order in the colonial space through employing colonial violence, controls individuals in the war space through practicing state patriarchal ideology, and produces bare life through utilizing the mechanism of a state of exception in the war hospital. The ghost, representing the colonized, the dead soldier, and the patient in the war hospital, resists the British Empire’s spatial hegemony by violating borders, being present, narrating, and bodily resisting, and cries out against the British Empire’s oppression and to examine its hegemony, which is significant for our study of the political hegemony of capitalism in a new era.

Keywords: the colonial space, the war space, the war hospital, the Other’s resistance, the spatial politics

Authors: Tiantian Huo, Lecturer, Department of Basic Sciences, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu, China; Shidan Chen, Professor, School of Foreign Languages, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China.

DOI: 10.19967/j.cnki.flc.2021.04.005

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