no. 3

A Design Sample of Moral Education in the Course of "Study on the Works of Chinese and Foreign Classic Writers"
Author:Yanhong Zheng    Time:2022-10-21    Click:

Title: A Design Sample of Moral Education in the Course of “Study on the Works of Chinese and Foreign Classic Writers”

Abstract: Focusing on the teaching topic “The Poetic Ideas and Practice of Allen Ginsberg,” this paper presents an instructional design for moral education from the following perspectives: 1. The objectives of moral education: to help students build confidence in Chinese culture and social systems by encouraging them to approach social problems under the guidance of Marxist theory. 2. The difficulties in moral education: to explore the causes of the social problems described in Allen Ginsberg’s poems and draw conclusions based on textual and social evidence. 3. The teaching methods applied in moral education: by applying strategies such as theoretical lecturing, problem-based learning, and case study to accomplish the corresponding ideological and political tasks of the course. 4. The process of moral education: planning the pre-class, in-class, and after-class activities in accordance with the difficult teaching points.

Keywords: Allen Ginsberg, curricula of integrated moral education, teaching objectives, teaching methods, teaching process

Author: Yanhong Zheng, Professor, Foreign Language Studies, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, Hunan, China.

DOI: 10.19967/j.cnki.flc.2022.03.010

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