no. 4

The Multiplicity of Conceptual Blending in Literary Translation Process: A Case Study of the E-C Translation of The Sound and the Fury
Author:Dumei Chen, Yun Zhang    Time:2023-02-16    Click:

Title: The Multiplicity of Conceptual Blending in Literary Translation Process: A Case Study of the E-C Translation of The Sound and the Fury

Abstract: Translation process is a dynamic process of meaning construction. The multiplicity of conceptual blending in literary translation process is dynamic. The input spaces of multiple blends in literary translation process should involve the mental spaces of original text, writer, translator and target reader which mutually influence the output of literary translation. This paper attempts to explore the multiplicity of conceptual blending in literary translation by studying two Chinese translations of The Sound and the Fury.

Keywords: literary translation, mental space, multiple blends, The Sound and the Fury, William Faulkner

Authors: Dumei Chen, Lecturer, School of Foreign Languages, Changsha Normal University, Changsha, Hunan, China; Yun Zhang, Associate Professor, School of Foreign Languages, Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan, China.

DOI: 10.19967/j.cnki.flc.2022.04.011

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