no. 4

Decomposition Mechanism of Complete Translation
Author:Na Xin    Time:2023-02-16    Click:

Title: Decomposition Mechanism of Complete Translation

Abstract: The decomposition mechanism of complete translation is a modeling study about decomposition behavior of complete translation by translator. It specifically refers to the structural relationship and operation mode between each factor such as translator, original text and translated text splitting translation behavior of translator. In this paper we take form and content of the language as the breakthrough point for analyzing their decomposition operation mode on the understanding stage, transformation stage, expression stage. The decomposition mechanism of complete translation mainly manifests in the following two aspects: on the one hand, the form segmentation on the understanding stage; on the other hand, the content decomposition in transformation stage and form differentiation in expression stage. The decomposition mechanism of complete translation is a theory derivation and it benefited to intensive study of complete translation essence.

Keywords: complete translation, decomposition mechanism, the law of complete translation, complete translation essence

Author: Na Xin, Associate Research Fellow, Russian Language, Literature and Culture Research Center, Heilongjiang University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China.

DOI: 10.19967/j.cnki.flc.2022.04.009

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