Title: Pioneering and Innovating: Seeking Lessons from the Co-Construction of Chinese and Western Literary Theories, and Proving the Commonness of the World’s Literary Minds: A Review on Research on T. S. Eliot ’s Literary Thought by Hongxin Jiang
Abstract: As an influential writer and literary critic throughout the world, T. S. Eliot has left a wealth of literary treasures and has always been a hot spot in literary research at home and abroad. Research on T. S. Eliot ’s Literary Thought not only fills the blank that there is no holistic research on Eliot’s literary thought in China but also effectively overcomes the shortage of lacking Chinese perspective in Eliot’s studies abroad. It systematically, comprehensively, objectively, and dialectically analyzes Eliot’s literary thought from the aspects of content integrity, developmental diachronism, the combination of theory and practice, and rigor of argumentation. In terms of methods, it deals with Eliot’s literary thought comparatively between China and the west from the consistent Chinese perspective of the author. The book connects ideas of more than one thousand years and sees scenes thousands of miles away. By combining the western literary tradition and opening up the comparative reading between Chinese and western classics, it aims to learn from the co-construction of Chinese and western literary theories, to prove the commonality of the world’s literary minds, and to contribute China’s perspective and China’s wisdom to the world research on Eliot.
Keywords: T. S. Eliot, research on literary thought, comparative reading between Chinese and western classics, China’s wisdom
Author: Longhai Zhang, Professor, Minnan Normal University, Zhangzhou, Fujian, China.