no. 4

Change and Transformation: Common Core of Interlingual Transformation and Intersemiotic Shift
Author:Xiujuan Guan, Wanqi Zhang    Time:2024-02-01    Click:

Title: Change and Transformation: Common Core of Interlingual Transformation and Intersemiotic Shift

Abstract: Translation variation and complete translation are a pair of translation categories. Change is the essential attribute of translation variation, featured with a big change (qualitative change) while transformation is the essential attribute of complete translation, characterized with a small change (quantitative change). This paper reviews the improvement process and application fields of translation variation and complete translation with “change” and “transformation” as their cores respectively, attempts to extend these interlingual transformation rules to intersemiotic shift, and explores the multi-modal conversion laws. It is found that the research on translation methods extends from the initial interlingual to the intersemiotic translation and radiates outward from the ontology, and the translation methodology is constantly improved with the changes of translation activities, but its core is still “change” and “transformation.”

Keywords: variation, accommodation, transformation, interlingual, intersemiotic

Authors: Xiujuan Guan, Professor, School of Russian Studies, Heilongjiang University, Ha’erbin, Heilongjiang, China; Wanqi Zhang, Ph.D. Candidate, School of Russian Studies, Heilongjiang University, Ha’erbin, Heilongjiang, China.

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