Title: The Image of the Monarch and the Concept of Monarchy in the German Baroque Drama Pietas Victrix
Abstract: Avancini is one of the representative writers of the Baroque period in Germany, and his representative work is Pietas Victrix. In the play, Avancini chooses Constantine the Great, the first Christian monarch in European history, to portray him as a model of a devout and virtuous Christian monarch. In the history of German literature, this play is one of the representative works of Baroque drama and constitutes an important part of the political discourse of Baroque drama; On the political level, it reflects the creative demands of Avancini to promote faith and express political concepts through dramatic creation.
Keywords: German Baroque Drama, Nicolaus von Avancini, image of monarch, concept of monarchy, Pietas Victrix
Author: Jue Wang, Lecturer, School of Foreign Languages, North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China.
DOI: 10.19967/j.cnki.flc.2024.01.005