Title: Virginia Woolf’s Theory of Media and Her Intermedial Thoughts
Abstract: Virginia Woolf is an important modernist novelist and an artist who has strong interests in multiple media and forms systematic theoretical viewpoints on each kind of them. She not only discusses the speciality of different media including painting, music, opera, and cinema in comparison with literature, but also explores intermedial phenomena related with literature including intermedial reference, transmediality, plurimedial combination, intermedial transposition, and remediation. Woolf’s theory of media and her intermedial thoughts showcase deep thinking of a modernist writer on the media life and fiction revolution and constructs a solid theoretical foundation for the intermedial practices in her own fictions.
Keywords:: Virginia Woolf, theory of media, intermediality, modernism
Author: Peilin Ye, School of Foreign Languages, Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China.
DOI: 10.19967/j.cnki.flc.2024.03.008