no. 4

  • Zhou Dunyi’s Philosophy and a Research on the Translations of His Works

    Author:Hongxin Jiang

    Abstract: Zhou Dunyi is an epoch-making philosopher, owning the credit of breaking the darkness of Confucian inheritance for more than 1,500 years from the time of Confucius and Mencius to the early Song Dynasty. Zhou is not only a practitioner of orthodoxical Confucianism with such core ideas like “sincerity” and ...

    Column:Translation Studies   113-122   Details

  • On Translation of the May Fourth Period and the Emergence of Eco-cosmopolitanism

    Author:Jiao Li, Haiyan Xie

    Abstract: During the May Fourth Period, Chinese intellectuals were greatly influenced by western cosmopolitanism. As they attempted to translate western literary works into Chinese, many translators intentionally incorporated ecological concerns into their cosmopolitan outlook, displaying a broader view beyon...

    Column:Translation Studies   123-135   Details

  • Change and Transformation: Common Core of Interlingual Transformation and Intersemiotic Shift

    Author:Xiujuan Guan, Wanqi Zhang

    Abstract: Translation variation and complete translation are a pair of translation categories. Change is the essential attribute of translation variation, featured with a big change (qualitative change) while transformation is the essential attribute of complete translation, characterized with a small change (quantitative change). This paper reviews the improvement process and application fields of translation variation and complete translation with “change” and “transformation” as their cores respectively, attempts to extend these interlingual transformation rules to intersemiotic shift, and explores the multi-modal conversion laws. It is found that the ...

    Column:Translation Studies   136-145   Details

  • Literature without Borders: An Interview with Chen Zhongyi

    Author:João Cezar de Castro Rocha

    Abstract: Literature without Borders: An Interview with Chen Zhongyi by João Cezar de Castro Rocha

    Column:Lushan Bitan   146-156   Details

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