no. 2

Food Collision and Cultural Hybridity in No Longer at Ease
Author:Kaili Xiaokaiti, Min Lu    Time:2021-03-25    Click:

Title: Food Collision and Cultural Hybridity in No Longer at Ease

Abstract: No Longer at Ease is a novel written by Chinua Achebe shortly before the independence of Nigeria. The author describes the collision between Western and African food cultures in the novel so as to reveal that the Nigerian traditional culture is gradually disintegrated by the Western culture. The writing of food cultures in the novel reflects Achebe’s attitude towards the western cultural colonization of traditional Nigerian culture. With the development of the story, it gradually transcends into the thinking and exploration of how to choose between the two cultures for the Nigerian youth.

Keywords: No Longer at Ease, Chinua Achebe, food culture

Authors: Kaili Xiaokaiti, School of Humanities, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, ChinaMin Lu, Professor, School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China.

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