Title: On the Representation of Game Spirit in Children’s Literature Translation
Abstract: Game spirit is the core value of children’s literature, which can be shown through many stylistic features of lexical or grammatical category, figures of speech, and context and cohesion in the texts. The representation of game spirit is an important standard for children’s literature translation. This essay explores translation methods to represent game spirit from the cognitive perspective. The goal is to represent the game spirit shown by the English source domain and valence by using the Chinese source valence equivalent to the English source valence as well as fitting the Chinese source domain with the method of equalizing valence, strengthening valence, or changing valence.
Keywords: game spirit, children’s literature translation, cognitive valence, stylistic
Authors: Derong Xu, Associate Professor, School of Foreign Languages, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, Shangdong, China; Fangfang He,School of Foreign Languages, Shandong Women’s University, Jinan, Shangdong, China.