no. 4

Destruction and Construction: A Review of The Conference of the Tongues
Author:Hong Liu    Time:2021-04-02    Click:

Title: Destruction and Construction: A Review of The Conference of the Tongues

Abstract: As a series of startling reflections on fundamental issues of translation, the book The Conference of tongues adopts an interdisciplinary study that brings concepts and ideas from social system theory, literary theory, international law and even theology to explore translation. It throws new light on familiar problems and draws attention to themes of self-reference and self-reflection of translation as well as translator’s self-positioning with the purpose of provoking a more self-reflexive kind of Translation Studies.

Keywords: destruction, construction, interdisciplinary Translation Studies, self-reflection, Theo Hermans, The Conference of the Tongues

Author: Hong Liu, Ph. D Candidate, Foreign Studies College, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, Hunan, China.

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