Title: The Study of the Translation of Paratexts in CPC Literature: A Case Study of Xi Jinping: Governance of China
Abstract: Paratext is an indispensable part of the text, which provides a new perspective regarding the study on translation works. By employing the theory of paratext put forward by Gerard Genette, this paper examines the differences of paratexts between the Chinese version and English version of two volumes of Xi Jinping: Governance of China. It is concluded that the translation of paratexts is closely linked to the content of the main text and the target readership is taken into consideration. Thus, flexibility is reflected due to the addition or reduction or adjustment during the translation process.
Keywords: Xi Jinping: Governance of China, paratexts, translation studies
Author: Shuangshuang Chen, Lecturer, Translation Studies Center for CPC Literature, Tianjin Foreign Studies University, Tianjin, China.