Title: Translating for Love, Conforming to Contexts: Taking Sidney Shapiro’s Translation Strategies as Examples
Abstract: Sidney Shapiro, a Jewish American, with the influence of his life experience and personality, voluntarily became a Chinese citizen and chose translation as his lifelong career to show the real China from his view. In his early life, his translation materials were often selected by the Foreign Languages Press. And after the translation of Outlaws of the Marsh, he began to write books and consciously introduce China to the world through his careful translation. With a moderate and rigorous translation style, Shapiro took into account both the cultural intention of the original work, the request of sponsors and the expectations of western readers, which made his Outlaws of the Marsh the most praised translation of the book and sets a good example for promoting Chinese literature to the world.
Keywords: Sidney Shapiro, sinologist, translation process, Outlaws of the Marsh
Author: Songya Deng, Foreign Languages College, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China.