no. 1

Oral History: An Approach for Translation History
Author:Kaitong Song, Hongjun Lan    Time:2022-03-21    Click:

Title: Oral History: An Approach for Translation History

Abstract: Different from documentary history, oral history focuses on the individuals or groups hidden behind mainstream history. By borrowing research methods from oral history, the study of translation history will further visualize and highlight the role of translator and translation practice in promoting historical development, which would in turn complement historical studies. This paper aims to justify the necessity of incorporating oral history into the research field of translation history. It discusses the possibility and feasibility of such adoption by relating research objects and research goals, and hence, charts out a new path for the studies of translation history.

Keywords: oral history, translation history, research methods, translator studies

Author: Kaitong Song, School of Interpreting and Translation Studies, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China; Hongjun Lan, Professor, School of Interpreting and Translation Studies, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China, Guangzhou, China.

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