Title: Between Coldness and Hotness: On the Character Tension of Xue Baochai in David Hawkes’ Verison of Hong Lou Meng
Abstract: Translation studies from the perspective of imagology attaches significance to in-depth analysis of the textual images reconstructed in translations as well as discussions on the contextuality and historicity of these images. Based on this research framework, the paper examines Xue Baochai’s image reconstructed in Hawkes’ translation concerning her hairstyle, clothes, behavior plus networking, in terms of character’s tension. It is shown that Baochai’s “coldness vs hotness” tension is highlighted: she is calmer and more rational when adhering to the norms; her desire and feelings are released, her affection for Baoyu revealed. Behind the re-shaped image of Baochai lies in the translator’s subjectivity. Lessons on Chinese classics to be translated abroad can be drawn from analyzing classical renderings such as Hawkes’ version of Hong Lou Meng.
Keywords: David Hawkes’ version of Hong Lou Meng, Xue Baochai, character tension, the study of image in translation, translator’s subjectivity
Author: Chan Chang, Foreign Studies College, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, Hunan, China; Feizhou Yin, Professor, School of Foreign languages, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, Hunan, China.