no. 1

  • Modern Education and Translators’ Training in Hunan During the Period of The Republic of China

    Author:Xu Zhang

    Abstract: The educational system is a strong guarantee for the smooth advancement of modern scholarship. It is also true in the domain of modern translation. From the perspective of modern patronage theory, one of the prerequisites for the advancement of translation is a sufficient quantity of ...

    Column:Translation Studies   092-103   Details

  • Literary Translation Studies in China: Present and Future

    Author:Hongjun Lan

    Abstract: Since 1987, when the first national symposium on theoretical translation studies was held, translation studies in China has come into a new era. This paper, based on a survey of the academic books published in China in the past 30 years, describes the research status of contemporary literary translation studies, and makes...

    Column:Translation Studies   104-117   Details

  • A Review of Toury's Model for Translation Description

    Author:Guangang Dun

    Abstract: In the late 20th century, Gideon Toury invested erudite attempts in how to describe translation which is taken as a focal point and pivot of descriptive translation studies. Starting from the general conception about descriptive translation studies envisioned by Holmes, combined with his own rich practice in translation desc...

    Column:Translation Studies   118-127   Details

  • A Pragma-rhetorical Study of the Tense Construction "N1有(yǒu) V过(guò) N2"

    Author:Qiuhong Xing

    Abstract: The tense construction “N1有(yǒu) V过(guò) N2” has been the variant of “有XP” construction and shares the features of grammatical construction and rhetorical construction. There are four features which can verify the pragma-rhetoricality of the construction “N1有(yǒu) V过(guò) N2”:...

    Column:Linguistic Studies   128-135   Details

  • The Study of the Metaphorical Use of "Road" in Xi Jinping’s Keynote Speech at The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation from the Perspective of Rhetoric

    Author:Xiao Liu, Chao Shi

    Abstract: Metaphor is not only a form of rhetoric, but also an art of persuasion. This essay focuses on the “road” metaphor in Xi Jinping’s keynote speech at the opening ceremony of The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, and finds that the metaphor of “road” is not only pervasive, but also becomes the macro structure of the whole speech with rich embodiments and connotations. Xi Jinping uses “road” and its related metaphors to persuade people effectively with character, emotion, and reasoning. He vividly demonstrates the historical background and realistic achievements of the Belt and Road Initiative, and calls on the participating countries to take a firm step towards better development.

    Column:Linguistic Studies   136-146   Details

  • Legitimation Strategies in U.S. Counter-Terrorism Discourse: A Case Study of Country Reports on Terrorism

    Author:Jianquan Feng, Shaojun Ding

    Abstract: 9•11 terrorist attacks mark the re-emergence of counter-terrorism, and re-emphasis on its study in critical discourse studies. Most of the existing studies discuss the social, cultural and political contexts of legitimation, and the strategies employed. Framed by the Discou...

    Column:Linguistic Studies   147-156   Details

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