- A Reanalysis of the Syntactic Realization of the Chinese Dangling Topics from the Perspective of Chinese-English Comparison
Author:Yu Shi
Abstract: There are generally three types of topics: Topicalization Topic Construction, Left Dislocation Topic Construction and Chinese-style Topic Construction (also called Dangling Topic). Dangling Topics could be further divided into true and fake dangling topics ...
Column: 136-145 Details
- A Study of Meaning Construction of Middle Constructions in Advertisement Slogans
Author:Yanyan Li
Abstract: From a perspective of LCCM theory, this paper focuses on middle constructions in advertisement slogans, to explore the cognitive mechanism and the process of on-line meaning construction of middles. It argues that lexical concepts encoded in grammatical elements interact with relative cognitive perc...
Column: 146-156 Details
- Return to the Text: A New Interpretation of the Denouement of Moby-Dick
Author:Quan Yang
Abstract: Melville's masterpiece Moby-Dick is a prophetical novel which has attracted much critical attention since its publication. But as to the finale of the novel, most Chinese critics hold the opinion that both the whale Moby-Dick and the hero captain Ahab die together at the end of the novel. This paper argues ...
Column:American Literature Studies 084-092 Details
- Classification and Translation of Appellative Public Signs
Author:Bo Cao, Zhonghan Li
Abstract: There have been problems such as inconstancy in thought and imprecision in classification in the translation of public signs and its study in China for the past 16 years. In particular, there have been obvious flaws in the interpretations of appellative public signs in terms of typology. According to this paper, such pub...
Column:Translation Studies 093-102 Details
- “Adding Poetry” or “Blaspheming Classics”: A Review of Feng Tang’s Translation of Stray Birds from the Perspective of the Translator’s Behavioral Criticism
Author:Hong'e Wang
Abstract: Opinions about the translation of Feng Tang’s Stray Birds have varied considerably since its publication. Whether praising Feng’s translation for “adding poetry” or criticizing his “blasphemy against classics.” However, both views are based on the perspective of text criticism or cultural criticism. So it is difficult to give objective description and explanation with respect to the translator’s behavior motivation and translation socialization from the perspective of criticism that separates “intra-translation” from “extra-translation”, or “linguistic translation” from “social untranslation”. By reexaming Feng Tang’s translation from the perspective of translator’s behavior criticism, we can gather an insight into both internal linguistic and external social factors that affect the translation quality, and make a more comprehensive, accurate, objective, scientific and reasonable evaluation on the translation effect of Feng Tang’s translation.
Column:Translation Studies 103-114 Details
- Interpreters: “Act but not to be Seen” in Chinese-English Conference Interpreting: An Observation Based on “Role Space”
Author:Juan Hu
Abstract: Not only is the interpreter’s role a hotly-discussed topic in community interpreting studies, but also the interpreter’s role in conference interpreting inspires considerable interest among scholars and practitioners. Hence with the Chinese government conference interpreting (2019) as research materials, and discourse analysis as a research method, this paper puts the conference interpreter into the “role-space” to observe whether the interpreter acts but not to be seen in conference interpreting. This paper finds that the interpreter in Chinese-English conference interpreting can use discourse markers to demarcate the footing and use hedges to maintain the face in communication; actually, the interpreter does act but not to be seen in Chinese-English conference interpreting.
Column:Translation Studies 115-124 Details
- The Building of the Chinese-English Parallel Corpus of Zhuangzi: Methods and Significance
Author:Weihong Zhang
Abstract: Zhuangzi, one of the most important Taoism classics, is rich in philosophical thoughts and magnificent literary imagery. It has been translated into English many times since the end of 19th century and there are more than 30 full and excerpted versions, which not only helps to promote the spread of Taoism, but also has had a significant impact on western philosophy and literature, enhancing the cultural exchanges between China and other countries. In the context of Chinese culture “Going Global”, it is of great historical and practical significance to build a Chinese-English parallel corpus of Zhuangzi, with the help of which relevant research will be more objective and scientific.
Column:Liguistic Studies 125-132 Details
- A Study on the Teaching Model of DPE-Comprehensive Critical Thinking Development
Author:Lixian Hou
Abstract: This paper explores the teaching reform of the English majors’ literature and culture courses, highlighting the mutual development of affective components and cognitive skills, concomitant with the enhancement of critical-thinking skills at the meta-cognitive level. It integrates the core teaching model of DPE (Dialogue-Participation-Experience) which is based on feminist pedagogy into Wen Qiufang’s model of critical-thinking development and constructs the teaching model of DPE-comprehensive critical-thinking development. This paper also applies this teaching model to the English majors’ selective course “the Bible” and illuminates how it facilitates students’ comprehensive development of critical thinking skills, and meanwhile, elaborates on the inspirations and reflections on the reform of the English majors’ courses based on the new teaching model.
Column:Liguistic Studies 133-145 Details
- On Translations of the Name of the Laureate and Awarding Speech of Nobel Prize in Literature for 2020
Author:Lixing Wang
Abstract: Different Chinese versions of the name of the newest Nobel laureate emerged in Chinese media after the announcement of Nobel Prize in Literature for 2020, and different Chinese translations of the central part of the Awarding Speech aroused heated criticism, which led to more translations in Wechat Groups and Moments relating to foreign language, literature, and translation. This thesis analyzes some typical Chinese translations of the name of the laureate and the central part of the Awarding Speech for the Prize, and offers the author’s own Chinese translation for the criticism of those interested.
Column:Scholars Forum 146-154 Details