- A Study of Joseon Scholar Liang Zhihui's Piaohailu in the 19th Century in the Jiangnan Region of China
Author:Yongzhen Jin
Abstract: During the Ming and Qing dynasties, there were frequent incidents of Joseon people drifting from the Joseon peninsula to the Jiangnan region of China, and many drifting relics and documents still remain. Among them, in the twenty-third year of the Jiaqing of Renzong of the Qi...
Column: 033-040 Details
- Title VI and America's Foreign Language Development since WWII
Author:Huafeng Xiao
Abstract: Title VI, originating from the National Defense Education Act of 1958, for the first time placed a strategy of US foreign language development in the form of federal legislation in the history of the United States. This Act has opened up and established three major traditions for America’s foreign language educati...
Column: 041-051 Details
- A Strategic Analysis of American Language Promotion Overseas after WWII
Author:Qikeng Li
Abstract: The United States became the most powerful country in the world in the aftermath of World War II, with its political power, economic might, military strength and global influence drastically increased, which provided a solid foundation and favorable condition for its promotion of American English overseas. ...
Column: 052-064 Details
- Tennyson's Crimean War Writing and Imperial Consciousness: A Case Study of "The Charge of Light Brigade" and "Maud"
Author:Jinfeng Zhang
Abstract: Tennyson is not well-known for his war poems, however, his status as a Poet Laureate made him feel duty-bound to take a stand when faced with the occurrence of an event of national significance. Two poems published during the Crimean War, “The Charge of the L...
Column:Literature and Culture Studies 065-075 Details
- The Female Utopia in Lope de Vega's Play Fuenteovejuna
Author:Lu Lu
Abstract: Fuenteovejuna, the masterpiece of the seventeenth-century Spanish playwright Lope de Vega, is one of the most famous plays of the Golden Age. The play was based on a peasant uprising in Spanish history, but the playwright deliberately added a gender dimension to allow women to play a special role. Under the honor system, wo...
Column:Literature and Culture Studies 076-086 Details
- The Door to the Adulthood: An Analysis of Die Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törleß
Author:Siyue Tian
Abstract: According to psychology, the children must find their self-identity before they enter the adulthood. Robert Musil, presents in the novel Die Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törleß, offers a portrait of an adolescent’s search for a stable identity. The protagonist undergoes religious exploration, animal ex...
Column:Literature and Culture Studies 087-094 Details
- Assessing Quality in Machine-generated Subtitles: A Case Study of "Netease Sight"
Author:Weiqing Xiao,Jiahui Gao
Abstract: Recent years have witnessed the rapid development of machine translation (MT) in China, which have brought significant changes to the subtitling industry, including the appearance of automatic machine-generated subtitles. This paper uses FAR model to assess the quality of a TED talk’s subtitles ...
Column:Translation Studies 095-105 Details
- On Liu Shicong's Self-revision in His English Translation of Chinese Prose
Author:Quangong Feng, Xiaonan Chen
Abstract: Liu Shicong, a renowned prose translator in China, places great emphasis on revising his translations, and thus this paper investigates the self-revision in his English translation of Chinese prose exemplified by two different versions of 16 pieces. It is found that his revision mainly deals with such a...
Column:Translation Studies 106-116 Details
- A Cognitive Study of the Syntactic and Semantic Features in English and Chinese Causal Complex Sentences
Author:Yunhua Deng, Fen Liu
Abstract: Based on the data analysis of the self-built corpus, this paper makes a systematic cognitive analysis of the syntactic and semantic features of English and Chinese causal complex sentences. The similarities are: both English and Chinese causal complex sentences have causal ma...
Column: 117-126 Details
- Cultural Motivations of the Conceptual Differences between Chinese and English Double Object Constructions
Author:Xiaoyang Shen
Abstract: Inspired by Humboldt’s famous thesis that language contains national spirit, this paper takes the national spirit as a starting point to explore the cultural motivations behind the conceptual differences between Chinese and English double object constructions. The “giving...
Column: 127-135 Details