
  • On the Theatrical Quality of Cao Yu's Translation of Romeo and Juliet

    Author:Yunyan Liu

    Abstract: Cao Yu's translation of Romeo and Juliet, a typical theatre translation oriented for stage performance instead of personal reading experience, highlights movements, conversational objects, and other stage facilities to boost dramatic conflicts. Compared with Xu Zhimo and Zhu Shenghao’s translation, Cao’s v...

    Column:Translation Studies   113-124   Details

  • Critical Thinking at the Metacognitive Level: Framework and Education Principles

    Author:Sha Zhang

    Abstract: This paper, based on the literature review of theories of metacognition and critical thinking, constructs the theoretical framework of critical thinking at the metacognitive level (CTM). CTM consists of three components, namely, CTM knowledge, CTM skills, and CTM experiences. Each of the three compo...

    Column:Liguistic Studies   125-135   Details

  • Implicit Foreign Languages Policies and Their Influence on American Foreign Language Education

    Author:Hui Luo

    Abstract: The history of the development of American education is a history of North American immigration as well as a history of the development of languages. For a long time, from American colonization to independence, foreign language education was not a problem which needed urgent considerat...

    Column:Liguistic Studies   136-144   Details

  • A Study of Face Management in Consulters’ Responses to Criticism in Emotional Phone-in Radio Programs

    Author:Zhuo Peng

    Abstract: This paper has analyzed the discourse of consulters’ management of their faces when responding to criticism in emotional phone-in radio programs, which has revealed eight face strategies. The paper has also probed into five kinds of sequence organizations formed by these strat...

    Column:Liguistic Studies   145-156   Details

  • Orientalism as a Method

    Author:Shuxiong Liu

    Abstract: "Orientalism" in the modern sense began with the study of the East by western scholars. After joining the field of oriental studies, oriental scholars opened up a national vision different from that of the “Oriental Scholars” in the West. There are also subtle differences within orientalism in the West, and European Orientalism is not the same as the ...

    Column:Oriental Studies   001-007   Details

  • Critical Dialogue and the Construction of Oriental Studies in China

    Author:Qiong Zeng

    Abstract: There are rich and substantive research achievements in the Oriental (Eastern) studies in China, but at present, Oriental studies has not been recognized as an independent discipline. The diversity of oriental culture, the research achievements of oriental studies in China and the relationship between Chinese an...

    Column:Oriental Studies   008-014   Details

  • Practical Criticism: Origin and Purpose

    Author:Li Cao

    Abstract: I. A. Richards is a pathbreaker and one of the most important founders of 20th century literary criticism. He created the theory and method of “practical criticism” which quickly shapes the teaching of English literature into a new and disciplinary subject of higher learning in Cambridge and beyond. This paper discusses the origin and si...

    Column:Literature Studies   015-023   Details

  • Literature and Military Enlightenment in Johann Michael von Loen's Novel

    Author:Minyue Shi

    Abstract: Johann Michael von Loen’s novel belongs to the 18th century German Enlightenment literature and its tradition of discussing political issues. The war discourse in the novel reflects on the military practice and the war situation at that time, and puts forward the idea of introducing the enlightenment valu...

    Column:Literature Studies   024-033   Details

  • Korean Litteraeur Kim Taek-yeong’s Textual Research on Book of Songs and The Analects

    Author:Cheng Wang

    Abstract: Kim Taek-yeong paid great attention to the Book of Songs, The Analects and Confucius. His article discussed many issues,such as Confucius’s deletion of poetry from the Book of Songs,Zheng and Wei’s poetry is obscene, Confucius’s autocracy and respect for Emperor Yao, and the understanding...

    Column:Literature Studies   034-042   Details

  • The Nature of Post-modernity of Gary Snyder’s Smokey the Bear Sutra

    Author:Jian Luo

    Abstract: As the poet Laureate of Deep Ecology, Gary Snyder’s poetics position has always been blurred in the academic field. From the perspective of Snyder’s cultural attitudes, this paper takes Smokey the Bear Sutra as the focus, and makes a discussion about the exploration of new culture, the creation of new myths a...

    Column:Literature Studies   043-052   Details

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