- Evaluation or Perception: On the Essence of Translation Criticism
Author:Lixia Feng
Abstract: Views on the essence of translation criticism (TC) are of great importance as they determine the process and production of TC practice, which in turn, decide whether TC can play its role. An investigation of some twenty common definitions of TC shows that vague or even contradictory views are held on the essence o...
Column:Translation Studies 072-082 Details
- Lao She's Sishi Tongtang and Gushu Yiren: A Study from the Perspective of Text-less Back-translation
Author:Wei Lu
Abstract: Lao She wrote Sishi Tongtang and Gushu Yiren partly or wholly overseas during his sojourn in the United States. As soon as they were completed, their manuscripts were translated into English by means of Author-translator collaboration and their English versions, The Yellow Storm and The Drum Singers respectively, were published in the United States. For some reasons, the ending chapters of Sishi Tongtang and the whole of Gushu Yiren had never been published in Chinese before their manuscripts disappeared, resulting in the loss of the original. Luckily enough, the timely English versions made it possible for them to be eventually resurrected in the Chinese culture through back-translation which, according to latest definitions, could be classified as unusual text-less back-translation. Going from overseas writing to text-less back-translation, Sishi Tongtang and Gushu Yiren have made a unique and interesting journey, ..
Column:Translation Studies 083-093 Details
- Between Coldness and Hotness: On the Character Tension of Xue Baochai in David Hawkes' Verison of Hong Lou Meng
Author:Chan Chang, Feizhou Yin
Abstract: Title: Between Coldness and Hotness: On the Character Tension of Xue Baochai in David Hawkes’ Verison of Hong Lou MengAbstract: Translation studies from the perspective of imagology attaches significance to in-depth analysis of the textual images reconstructed in translations as well as discussions on the contextuality and historicity of these images. Based on this research framework, the pape...
Column:Translation Studies 094-102 Details
- Oral History: An Approach for Translation History
Author:Kaitong Song, Hongjun Lan
Abstract: Different from documentary history, oral history focuses on the individuals or groups hidden behind mainstream history. By borrowing research methods from oral history, the study of translation history will further visualize and highlight the role of translator and translation practice in promoting historical development, which w...
Column:Translation Studies 103-112 Details
- Translating for Love, Conforming to Contexts: Taking Sidney Shapiro’s Translation Strategies as Examples
Author:Songya Deng
Abstract: Sidney Shapiro, a Jewish American, with the influence of his life experience and personality, voluntarily became a Chinese citizen and chose translation as his lifelong career to show the real China from his view. In his early life, his translation materials were often selected by the Foreign Languages Press. And after the translation of Outlaws of the Marsh, he began to write books and consciously introduce China to the world through his careful translation. With a moderate and rigorous translation style, Shapiro took into account both the cultural intention of the original work, the request of sponsors and the expectations of western readers, which made his Outlaws of the Marsh the most praised translation of the book and sets a good example for promoting Chinese literature to the world.
Column:Translation Studies 114-123 Details
- Studying from Source Text and Identifying Literary Talent in Popular Fiction: On the Idea of Patrick Hanan’s Creating by the Other with Textual Research
Author:Yuting Ren
Abstract: Many articles about English translation of Chinese literature focus on the translation rather than the translator. Researchers pay less attention to the sinologist’s life and enlightenment from his study and translations of Chinese literature. Patrick Hanan, a famous expert in Chinese classical novels, had devoted his life to the study of Chinese literature. His works, such as The Chinese Vernacular Story, The Invention of Li Yu and The Rise of Modern Chinese Novels, are unique in attention to textuel and narrative style, providing a new perspective for the study of Chinese literature. He translated nine romantic novels and presented the historical value of non-mainstream literature. Through the study of his life and works, the paper points out that we should learn from the successful experience of sinologists in spreading Chinese literature, and promote overseas Chinese literature and culture.
Column:Translation Studies 124-134 Details
- A Contrastive Study of the Prominence View and the Figure-Ground Theory
Author:Yuxiang Qin, Dan Zhao
Abstract: The prominence view and the figure-ground theory are related to each other because they both involve perceptual relations. However, they are not equal, and this results in their difference in superiority. The prominence view is a general principle of cognition and a basic way of thinking, and it is superior to the figure-ground theory in syntactic analysis for being economical in theory and capable of simplifying the analyzing process and providing systematic and reasonable explanations to related syntactic problems. The figure-ground theory, which has developed from the description of the perceptional relation between the two parts in the perceptional field, can very well illustrate the prominence relation between the things involved in the prominence view, but it is limited in its application in syntactic analysis because of the difficulty in determining figure and ground and the irreversibility of the perceptional relation between figure and ground.
Column:Linguistic Studies 135-144 Details
- A Critical Metaphor Contrastive Analysis of Chinese and American Renewable Energy News Reports
Author:Yi Peng, Bei Luo
Abstract: Within recent years, foreign and domestic studies of energy discourses have been in constant development, but little research is directed towards renewable energy discourses in terms of critical metaphor analysis. Based on the contrastive analysis of critical metaphors, as well as the self-constructed corpus on Chinese and American renewable energy news reports in the past ten years, this paper explores identical and different metaphors linked with these discourses, discloses origins of the identical and distinct metaphors, and points out that important factors leading to the same metaphors include the natural tendency of energy development, the responsibilities of China and America as major powers, and the commonalities of culture and thoughts between the two countries. The main reasons giving rise to correspondingly different metaphors involve the differences of ideology and social culture.
Column:Linguistic Studies 145-156 Details
- The Dawning and the Vanishing of Inspiration: A New Thematic Approach to Foster's The Road from Colonus
Author:Shenyou Mei
Abstract: As the most famous short story by Edward Morgan Forster, The Road from Colonus has been much studied in relation to Sophocles's Oedipus at Colonus. This essay, by identifying Coleridge's “Kubla Khan” as another important source text, argues that this Foster's is mainly about the dawning of inspiration as a testimony to the enormous power of the subconscious and the vanishing of inspiration due to the intervention of outsiders. An investigation into Forster's personal circumstances reveals his strong trust in inspiration, as well as his deep-seated anxiety about its vanishing in the absence of someone committed to the idea of “only connect.”
Column:Literature and Culture Studies 001-011 Details
- The Cultural Roles of Early American Fictional Spinster Detectives
Author:Qiong Li
Abstract: Anna Catherine Green's The Affair Next Door and The Circular Staircase and Mary Roberts Rinehart's The Circular Staircase create the earliest prototypes of spinster detectives in American literary history. These fictional images are in their nature self-contradictory: as detectives, they play the cultural role of upholding bourgeois morality and family ideals, but as single, autonomous women, they challenge the dominant discourse through their investigation of women's plight and their recasting of the image of the spinster. In their novels, Green and Rinehart endow the spinster detectives with the right to narrate in their own voices. Their narration not only highlights their roles in defending morality and women's rights, but also redescribes their characters and potential and subverts the Victorian prejudices governing sex, age, and marital status.
Column:Literature and Culture Studies 012-020 Details